Blog Entry 5: Works Cited

Alberts, Jenna. “The Cultural Food Taboos of the United StatesCooking Recipes Food.” Cooking Recipes Food. N.p., n.d. Web. 16 Oct. 2013. On this page, there is a very brief layout of various ingredients people within the United States refuse to cook with. Although this page lacks details on each category, it presents me with a list of food items I can investigate further with other sources. I can then use these items within my project to show the viewer what the United States feels is taboo as far as food is concerned.

Andersen, Kurt. “Celebrity death watch; Could the country’s insane fame fixation maybe, finally–fingers crossed–be coming to an end? One hopeful sign: Paris Hilton.(THE IMPERIAL CITY).” New York 3 Apr. 2006: 36. Print. This magazine article by Andersen has a section that describes various things the American culture idolizes, as well as a listing of things they disdain, or find “taboo”. I can use the items listed here to illustrate other, non-food related taboos the Western World might have.

Burg, Kenneth. “Whaling Ban Strains U.S.-Japan Relations; Tokyo Seeks to End Moratorium.” The Washington Times [Washington, DC] 26 Apr. 2007: 4. Print. This new’s article describes the gruesome act of whaling, and provides details as to why Americans dislike the practice. I can use this as a reasoning behind why many cultures find whale and dolphin meat taboo.

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